APRIL 18, 2016
This writing journey started out because of selecting a subject for my dissertation. As I was working with my professor, I heard the voice of the Lord guided me to Ephesians 5:3. I had been sharing some details of my life to my professor about what had happen to me as a child and I wanted to understand more of the phenomena. I have always had a desire to help someone and as I talked to the professor, I sensed that my dissertation would help someone.
As I talked to the professor and explained that I wanted to be clear on certain things that I did not get clear with my therapist who I went to see because of a serious auto accident that triggered a recurring dream. I had the dream every night about a dead bishop. When I finally shared the issue with the therapist, she suggested that I go back to the cemetery where the dead bishop was buried because I did not go to the cemetery after the funeral; I went straight from the church back to airport after the funeral. I took the advice of the therapist and flew down that week to Los Angeles Forest Lawn and found the place where the bishop was buried. The day that I made that visit is the day that the recurring dream ended. That was amazing that the recurring dream ended so easily.
While I was with the therapist, I told her what a mess my life was and all the acting out that I was doing. She did not judge me but told she was willing to listen to my story. I continued to see her while I worked for a company that provided a benefit of $100.00 a week for 50 weeks per year. When my employment ended, I stop seeing this therapist because I could not afford to see her.
The ending of my sessions abruptly stopped, and it left me without certain answers to awfully specific issues about my behavior and those of my abusers. At about the same time the Lord was ministering to me forgiveness for my father and brother. As I continued to talk to my professor, I got the subject for the dissertation before I had knowledge of how I was going to research it. The result of my conversation with my professor on doing this dissertation I wrote out an outline and proceeded to basically read over 400 books and view lots of videos on related subjects of abuse, sexual abuse, and sexual perversion.
When I submitted the dissertation for my doctorate it was accepted, and it became the foundation for a book that I knew I had to write: “Shhhh…Don’t Say a Word about This! Exposing and Confronting Sexual Perversion!” was completed in the evenings after working eight to twelve hours days as an accountant. It took me from 2005 to 2008 to write in the evenings the actual book with a release date January 2009.
The thing that really got this dissertation to be a book was my exposure to Ephesians 5:3 where the Apostle Paul said do not let this be mention among you. I clearly heard the Holy Spirit say to me that ministers had misstated the Apostle Paul. What the Apostle Paul meant by his comment is the opposite of what ministers and doctors have done by having sex a taboo. The Apostle Paul meant for ministers and saints of God to deal in love with all the issues about sex that happen in the church and out of the church to people of God. We are not to pretend it is not happening in the church but rather minister to people healing and deliverance in the church and the world.
If you research all the scriptures the Apostle Paul references in his writings, you will see that he is sharing issues that are happening today in the church and the world. When I found out what was happening in my local church it made me understand the same issues are happening repeatedly today in the church and that the church body is going about it the wrong way to help people. I knew something was wrong with church, but I did not know the detail; so, I told everyone that I was leaving my local family church to do my dirt. I could not practice adultery throughout the week and then preach on Sunday. I did not backslide into the world but became a member of a denomination that did not preach against what I was doing.
What I did not know because of my naive nature is that most of the people I was telling “I am leaving the church to go out and sin,” many of them were sinning and not telling me. So, at one point in my writing, I realized that I was onto something the church and world needed because they church did not want to talk about it publicly. The more people and ministers I talked to in the church the more I found out that many were hiding behind their pulpits and black robes. They were and are in some instances the most perverted people in the world.
I started on my writing journey to create a book that would be a healing and teaching book. I achieved making the book a teaching instrument by having questions at the end of each chapter and all the scripture references that clearly illustrated what the bible says about each sexual subject. I heard clearly from the Lord that the way some of the churches teach about those who are lesbian, transgender, gay, bisexual, and intersexual (LTBGTI) is not of Him. God told me to love all and that men and women have the right of choice according Deuteronomy 30:19 “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore, choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:”
God’s best for man is for man to choose the way that pleases God, but because we are not robots God gives us the ability to make a choice. The concept of choice is a God given one, but God in His love gives us the right to make our choice. What we learn from the scripture is if we choose what our flesh wants over what the Bible instructs us to do, we pay a price which is called – sin. Those who have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and they do not walk according to His will and His Word reject the concept of obedience to Him.
“Shhhh…Don’t Say a Word About This! Exposing and Confronting Sexual Perversion!” is a composite of all the sexual issues I discovered in the Bible from 1996 to 2005. My research in the Bible was completed with the use of the King James Version of the Bible; however, I discover that other versions of the Bible shed additional light on the subject. Now when I teach from the book, I use various versions of the Bible to help clarify certain words and concepts.
The way I developed my title came from: Ephesians 5:3 (KJV) 3 But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints. The phrase “let it not be once named among you” meant to me – Shhhh…Don’t Say a Word About This! If you look at the cover of the book you see a silhouette of the nose, mouth, and chin with a hand with one finger up saying be quiet – Shhhh. The second part of my title relates to what I sensed at the time happening in the so-called church world the need to talk about the hidden sexual perversion: Exposing and Confronting Sexual Perversion! What I had discovered is that most church leaders that I spoke with or approached did not want to talk about the sexual perversion going on in the church. I found out that many people want to pretend nothing illicit is going on in the church and world.
“Shhhh…Don’t Say a Word About This! Exposing and Confronting Sexual Perversion!” is a primary resource book for people to know what the Bible says about sex and sexual subjects and to expose, confront and reveal truth concerning these taboo issues
Are you ready to explore sex in the Bible