Dorothy Ziegler has shared a video with you on YouTube
I am writing this testimony for the Goodwin family. Baby Balis was critically ill with a congenital heart defect which was very serious and life threatening. I contacted Joy Christian Ministry for prayer with Loren and Arjeana Due. Balis was very serious with all organ shut down and had coded twice. Balis was prayed for on Blog talk radio. I also kept in contact with family with encouragement and phone counseling for Brother Loren Due, Balis began to improve daily which is a miracle from God from prayer and fasting. And encouragement and prayer from this ministry.
We praise and thank you Jesus for this total healing
We thank you vessels of God, Joy Christian Ministry
Update on Baby Balis
The Goodwin Family invites you to the 2015 Northwest Indiana Heart Walks! by American Heart Association of Northwest Indiana The American Heart Association is building healthier lives in Northwest Indiana through two upcoming walks, the Lake County Heart Walk on Saturday,
September 19, 2015, 9:00