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Healed of Crohn’s disease!

Sister Andrea

Updated: Jan 3, 2021

I knew something was wrong, but I let fear overtake my better judgement. I had been fatigued, sick, and having constant pain and bloating in my abdominal area for over a year yet never went to the doctor. My husband called in for prayer one night while I was asleep and requested prayer for healing in my body. Prophet Due asked what the specific illness was, and my husband revealed to him that I had never been to the doctor. He and Prophetess Due urged my husband to get me to a doctor immediately. I called the next day to schedule an appointment and went to the doctor’s office a couple of days later. I was told that things did not look good at all and that I was being diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. I am so thankful that I listened to the archived broadcast from when my husband called in before I went because the only thing, I could hear is the prophets saying, “whose report do you believe”, with tears streaming down my face, in my spirit I was saying I believe your report Lord”! Shortly after that my husband and I called in while listening to your Blogtalk show and requested prayer again, this time because we could provide the exact name of the enemy, we were given an arsenal of strategic weapons and a battle plan that the Lord wanted the two of you to share with us. It was hard and the enemy was relentless, but we just kept pressing through because greater who is he that is in me. Then it happened, yokes begin to break, chains begin to loosen and slowly I begin to heal. It took about 6 months total, but I am here today to declare and decree that I am totally healed. The healing began to really manifest almost instantly once I begin to focus on the Healer more than the healing that I so desperately wanted. Your ministry has truly been a blessing for both me and my husband, through your prophetic words given to us personally and listening to your teachings we begin to be desperate for Jesus and his calling and will for our lives. I can faithfully say that I overcame that enemy of sickness by the blood of the lamb and now here are the words of my testimony.

In Christian Love,

Sister Andrea

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